Wednesday 13 February 2013

Animation Sketches and Storyboard

These are the sketches of my ideas for what to include in my animation.

 After deciding that we would animate the chorus of the song both Rachael and I split it into two parts. This meant that I would animate the first half of the chorus and Rachael would animate the second part.

I began by looking at the lines I would have to animate:
'It's like falling asleep on a railroad track,
Or baiting Chuck Norris just to make him mad,
Skinny dipping in the pouring rain,
Or sending drunk texts to your boss' phone again.'

Here I managed to use the ideas in my sketches to produce a storyboard of what I planned to animate. I wrote in black the lyrics that were to match each section and in green what the animation would be doing and which type of stop-motion I would use for each.

The first example of this is that I planned to draw out the track of the railway on a whiteboard, but use the train as a separate cut-out which I would slowly move over the track in each separate shot.


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